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Oral (43 documents )

Ab initio simulation of ion stopping in strongly correlated materials
Michael Bonitz, Karsten Balzer, Maximilian Rasmussen, Niclas Schluenzen, Insa Meinke, Eckhard Pehlke
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 5: Kinetics, transport and optical properties
Ab-initio shock states and thermodynamic properties of liquid silicates
Joshua Townsend, Luke Shulenburger
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
Thomas Mehlhorn
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 2: Production of non-ideal plasmas (using optical lasers, free electron lasers, heavy-ion beams, Z machine, high explosives etc.)
Application of intense ion beams to planetary physics research at the FAIR facility
Naeem Tahir
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 6: Dense astrophysical and ICF plasmas
Band gap closure under pressure in phase III and phase IV of molecular hydrogen by Quantum Monte Carlo.
Vitaly Gorelov, Markus Holzmann, David Ceperley, Dominik Domin, Carlo Pierleoni
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
CANCELED - Fast Non-Adiabatic Warm Dense Matter Simulation
Brett Larder, Scott Richardson, Dirk Gericke, Gianluca Gregori
abstract : Oral
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Checking Salpeter's enhancement factor of nuclear reactions in asymmetric mixtures
philippe Arnault, jean Clerouin, Nicolas Desbiens, Alexander White, Lee Collins, Joel Kress, Christopher Ticknor
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 6: Dense astrophysical and ICF plasmas
Collective excitations in fluids of soft interacting particles
Sergey Khrapak
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
DFT-MD simulations of mixing properties in warm dense hydrocarbons
Jan Vorberger, Kushal Ramakrishna
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Dynamic characteristics of strongly coupled plasmas
Yuriy Arkhipov, Abdiadil Askaruly, Askar Davletov, Denis Dubovtsev, Igor Tkachenko
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Dynamical and transport properties of dense plasmas on the basis of Coulomb logarithm and effective potentials
Tlekkabul Ramazanov, Sandugash Kodanova, Zhandos Moldabekov, Moldir Issanova, Maratbek Gabdullin, Samat Amirov
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 6: Dense astrophysical and ICF plasmas
Dynamical properties of dust particles in a background gas and external magnetic field
Karlygash Dzhumagulova, Ranna Masheyeva, Tlekkabul Ramazanov, Zoltan Donko
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Effect of ion mean free path length on plasma polarization behind a dust particle in an external electric field.
Gennadiy Sukhinin, Mikhail Salnikov, Alexander Fedoseev
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Equation of state of warm dense matter: Reproducing quantum molecular dynamics results at high temperature
Jean-Francois Danel, Luc Kazandjian, Robin Piron
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Heating Effect of the Surface of the Dust Particle in Cryogenic Complex Plasmas
Mukhit Muratov, Tlekkabul Ramazanov, Zhandos Moldabekov
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Investigating the insulator to metal transition in dense fluid hydrogen with laser-driven dynamic compression
Peter Celliers, Marius Millot, Stéphanie Brygoo, Stewart McWilliams, Dayne Fratanduono, J. Ryan Rygg, Alexander Goncharov, Paul Loubeyre, Jon Eggert, J. Luc Peterson, Nathan Meezan, Sebastien Le Pape, Gilbert Collins, Raymond Jeanloz, Russell Hemley
abstract : Oral
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
Ionization potential depression and in-medium wave equation in dense plasmas
Gerd Roepke
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 5: Kinetics, transport and optical properties
Large-scale O(N) DFT calculations for carbon at high temperature
Mandy Bethkenhagen, Abhiraj Sharma, Phanish Suryanarayana, John Pask, Babak Sadigh, Lin Yang, Sebastien Hamel
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Material properties for the interiors of massive giant planets and brown dwarfs
Ronald Redmer, Andreas Becker, Mandy Bethkenhagen, Clemens Kellermann, Johannes Wicht
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 6: Dense astrophysical and ICF plasmas
Metastable states of warm dense hydrogen
Roman Sartan, Ilnur Saitov, Genry Norman
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
Miscibility gap of hydrogen-helium mixtures
Manuel Schöttler, Ronald Redmer
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
Mode-coupling instability in 2D complex plasma crystals: The role of damping rate
Vladimir Nosenko, John Meyer, Sergey Zhdanov, Hubertus Thomas, Jorge Carmona-Reyes
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Modelling Time-Resolved X-ray Absorption Measurements
Rory Baggott, Brendan Kettle, Steven Rose, Stuart Mangles
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 5: Kinetics, transport and optical properties
Molecular Dynamics approach to plasma nanoparticle growth and reactivity
Pascal Brault, William CHAMORRO-CORAL, Amael Caillard, Christophe Coutanceau, Stève Baranton
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Non-linear screening and thermodynamics of complex plasma
Inna Martynova, Igor Iosilevskiy
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Non-local electron kinetics around the cloud of dust particles
Alexander Fedoseev, Gennadiy Sukhinin, Nikon Demin, Mikhail Salnikov
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Numerical simulation of experiments with non-ideal plasma at 247-MeV proton microscope
Victor Mintsev
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 2: Production of non-ideal plasmas (using optical lasers, free electron lasers, heavy-ion beams, Z machine, high explosives etc.)
Particle charge in PK-4 dc discharge from ground and microgravity experiments
T. Antonova, S. Khrapak, M. Pustylnik, M. Rubin-Zuzic, H. Thomas, A. Lipaev, V. Molotkov, A. Usachev, M. Thoma
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Plasma phase transition (by the fiftieth anniversary of the prediction).
Ilnur Saitov, Genri Norman
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
Polarized angular-dependent reflectivity and density- dependent profiles of shock compressed xenon plasmas
Heidi Reinholz, Yuri Zaporoghets, Victor Mintsev, Vladimir Fortov, Gerd Röpke, Sebastian Rosmej, Yultuz Omarbakiyeva
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 5: Kinetics, transport and optical properties
Properties of Magnesium Oxide in Super-Earths
François Soubiran, Burkhard Militzer
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
Quantum fluid description of non-ideal dense plasmas
Zhandos Moldabekov, Michael Bonitz, Tlekkabul Ramazanov
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Signals of Ionization Potential Depression in X-Ray Thomson Scattering Spectra
Dirk Gericke, Tilo Doeppner, Rory Baggott, David Chapman
abstract : Oral
Topic 3: Diagnostics of non-ideal plasmas (using x-ray scattering, line shapes, stopping power, emission and absorption, etc.)
Stopping power in warm dense targets from first principles
Attila Cangi, Daniel Jensen, Andrew Baczewski
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Stopping power of electron gas
Yuriy Arkhipov, Asel Ashikbayeva, Abdiadil Askaruly, Askar Davletov, Denis Dubovtsev, Saule Syzganbayeva, Igor Tkachenko
abstract : Oral
Topic 3: Diagnostics of non-ideal plasmas (using x-ray scattering, line shapes, stopping power, emission and absorption, etc.)
Study of plasma microfield properties in highly magnetized plasmas
Sandrine Ferri, Laila DAKROUB, Annette Calisti
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
The Deuterium Hugoniot: Pitfalls of Beyond-DFT Thermodynamic Sampling
Raymond Clay, Luke Shulenburger, Michael Desjarlais
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
The effect of magnetic field on plasma particles in dusty plasma
Viktor Karasev, Elena Dzlieva, Sergei Pavlov, Leontiy Novikov, Maxim Ermolenko
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
The High Energy Density (HED) instrument at the European XFEL – status and perspectives
Ulf Zastrau
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 3: Diagnostics of non-ideal plasmas (using x-ray scattering, line shapes, stopping power, emission and absorption, etc.)
Thermal conductivity of water plasmas from ab initio simulations
Martin French
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Thomson scattering from dense non-equilibrium plasmas.
Thomas Bornath, Tim-Niklas Beuermann, Ronald Redmer
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 3: Diagnostics of non-ideal plasmas (using x-ray scattering, line shapes, stopping power, emission and absorption, etc.)
Time-dependent Density Functional Theory determination of stopping-power and conductivity in warm, dense matter environments
A. White, O. Certik, Lee Collins, Y. Ding, S. Hu
abstract : Oral
Topic 5: Kinetics, transport and optical properties
Using equations of state to construct Jupiter models
Florian Debras, Gilles Chabrier
abstract : I would prefer an Oral
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions

Poster (43 documents )

Absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy of a nanodusty plasma
Erik Von Wahl, Sylvain Iseni, Thomas Lecas, Titaina GIBERT, Sedina Tsikata, Stéphane MAZOUFFRE, Maxime Mikikian
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Account for bound states in atomistic plasma model using split-WPMD method
Valuev Ilya
abstract : Poster
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Action of ultrashort laser pulse on tantalum: physical model of tantalum, simulations, and experiments
Nail Inogamov, Sergey Ashitkov, Pavel Komarov, Evgenia Struleva, Mikhail Agranat, Vasilii Zhakhovsky, Viktor Khokhlov, Yurii Petrov
abstract : Poster
Topic 2: Production of non-ideal plasmas (using optical lasers, free electron lasers, heavy-ion beams, Z machine, high explosives etc.)
Band Occupation and Optical Response of Gold far from Equilibrium
Pascal Ndione, Sebastian Weber, Baerbel Rethfeld, Dirk Gericke
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 3: Diagnostics of non-ideal plasmas (using x-ray scattering, line shapes, stopping power, emission and absorption, etc.)
Brownian-like motion of a single dust grain in a radio-frequency plasma discharge – comparison of experiments and simulation
Milenko Rubin-Zuzic, Volodymyr Nosenko, Sergey Khrapak, Hubertus Thomas
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Coulomb crystals with polarized electron background
Andrew Kozhberov
abstract : Poster
Topic 6: Dense astrophysical and ICF plasmas
Crystallization of a quantum plasma at finite temperature
Etienne Jaupart, Gilles Chabrier
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
DFT+U equation of state for iron oxide
Daniel Cebulla, Mandy Bethkenhagen, Ronald Redmer
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
DFT-WPMD method for nonideal plasma and warm dense matter simulations.
Yaroslav Lavrinenko, Igor Morozov, Ilya Valuev
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
Dust plasma in the stratified discharge in moderate magnetic field
Sergei Pavlov, Viktor Karasev, Elena Dzlieva, Leontiy Novikov
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Dynamic structure factor using electron foruce field in lithium
Tianyu Gao, Xiaowei Wang, Jiayu Dai, Yongjun Choi, Michael Murillo
abstract : Poster
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Electrical conductivity of the dense nonideal plasma on the basis of the effective potential
Karlygash Dzhumagulova, Erik Shalenov, Tlekkabul Ramazanov, Gerd Röpke, Heidi Reinholz
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 5: Kinetics, transport and optical properties
Electron emission from laser produced nanoplasma
Roman Bystryi
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Electron Localization properties across the liquid-liquid phase transition in dense hydrogen.
Carlo Pierleoni, David Ceperley, Markus Holzmann
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Electron-ion relaxation in Al nanoparticles: non-adiabatic wave packet molecular dynamics
Nikita Orekhov, Andrei Chernyshov, Vladimir Stegailov
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 7: Ultra-intense laser-matter interaction
Equation of state for zinc at high energy densities
Konstantin Khishchenko
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
Equation of state studies of High Energy Density Matter using intense ion beams at the FAIR facility at Darmstadt
Naeem Tahir
abstract : Poster
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
First Born approximation in plasma transport properties description
Valery Karakhtanov
abstract : Poster
Topic 5: Kinetics, transport and optical properties
For the application of vacuum-arc units in nanoengineering
Marzhan Mukhamedryskyzy, Anuar Zhukeshov, Assylgul Gabdullina, Assem Amrenova, Kuantay Fermakhan, Nurgul Balmanova, Rakhat Iliyasov, Dastan Maksut, Nurdaulet Mansur
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 2: Production of non-ideal plasmas (using optical lasers, free electron lasers, heavy-ion beams, Z machine, high explosives etc.)
Improvement of the EoS of Hydrogen and its isotopes based on reflectivity measurements.
laurent caillabet
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Influence of a charge-gradient force on dust acoustic waves.
Alexey Khrapak, Sergey Khrapak
abstract : Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Influence of electron shell effects on compressibility of substances in strong shock waves
Maxim Kadatskiy, Konstantin Khishchenko
abstract : Poster
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
Isothermal compressibility of strongly coupled dust component with varying grain charge
Lazzat Yerimbetova, Askar Davletov
abstract : Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Nanoparticle formation from thin film sputtering: A complex dust cloud structure
Erik Von Wahl, Thomas Lecas, Maxime Mikikian
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Nonlinear vertical oscillations of a single dust particle in a stratified glow discharge
Alexandra Kartasheva, Yuri Golubovskii, Victor Karasev
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Observation of the dynamics of the dust structure formed in a dust trap in a double electric layer in a magnetic field up to 10000G.
Sergei Pavlov, Viktor Karasev, Elena Dzlieva, Leontiy Novikov, Alexey Eikhval'd
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Path Integral Monte Carlo and Density Functional Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Warm Dense Plastic, Oxygen, Sodium, and Aluminum
François Soubiran, Kevin Driver, Shuai Zhang, Burkhard Militzer
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
Simulation of a magnetron discharge using CFD
Sotheara CHUON, Pascal Brault, Jean-Marc Bauchire, Erik Neyts
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Structural and thermodynamic properties of dense non-isothermal plasma
Tomiris Ismagambetova, Maratbek Gabdullin, Tlekkabul Ramazanov
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
Structural Properties of strongly coupled ions in quantum plasmas
Zhandos Moldabekov, Simon Groth, Tobias Dornheim, Michael Bonitz, Tlekkabul Ramazanov
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Study of microfield statistical properties by using multi-component plasma Molecular Dynamics simulation.
Annette Calisti, Sandrine Ferri, Bernard Talin
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Surface modification of MF-R particles in a stratified glow discharge in neon
Viktor Karasev, Elena Dzlieva, Sergei Pavlov, Anna Gorbenko, Vladimir Polischuk
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
The calculations of thermophysical properties of Pb plasma
Evgeny Apfelbaum
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
The charging of dust particles in ionospheric plasma with non-Maxwellian electrons
Kuralai Nurgaliyeva, Tlekkabul Ramazanov, Sergei Popel
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
The effect of pulsed RF discharge on complex plasma parameters
Sandugash Kodanova, Almasbek Utegenov, Nuriya Bastykova
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
The electric field of an electron in a electron-hole plasma with degenerate electrons. Formation of a superconductivity state.
Saltanat Sadykova
abstract : Poster
Topic 5: Kinetics, transport and optical properties
The influence of dust particle geometry on its charge and plasma potential.
Gennadiy Sukhinin, Mikhail Salnikov, Alexander Fedoseev
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
The vibrational properties of the dust trap created in standing striation
Alexandra Kartasheva, Yurii Golubovskii, Viktor Karasev
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Thermodynamic approach to dust particles charge in plasmas
Yerzhan Mukhametkarimov, Askar Davletov, Farhad Kurbanov
abstract : Poster
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Transport coefficients of Dense Helium Plasmas
Sandugash Kodanova, Tlekkabul Ramazanov, Moldir Issanova, Zhandos Moldabekov
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 6: Dense astrophysical and ICF plasmas
Transport Properties of Asymmetric Mixtures
C. Ticknor, A. White, E. Meyer, O. Certik, J. Kress, L. Collins, J. Clerouin, Ph. Arnault, N. Desbiens
abstract : Poster
Topic 5: Kinetics, transport and optical properties
Ultrafast dynamics of complex atoms induced by coherent laser
Yongqiang Li, Xiaowei Wang, Jiayu Dai
abstract : Poster
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Wave packet molecular dynamics study of the plasma phase transition in warm dense hydrogen
Ilya Fedorov, Nikita Orekhov, Vladimir Stegailov
abstract : I would prefer a Poster
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations

Invited (10 documents )

Consistent interpretation of experimental data for dense metallic plasma near the liquid-gas coexistence curve
Pavel Levashov
abstract : Invited
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
Dynamic electron-ion collisions and non-local effects on the structures of warm dense matter
Jiayu Dai, Dongdong Kang, qian ma, Binbin Lu, Zengxiu Zhao, Jianmin Yuan
abstract : Invited
Topic 4: Equilibrium properties, equations of state and phase transitions
High intensity action of femtosecond and picosecond x-ray and optical lasers onto ruthenium and molybdenum films
Nail Inogamov, Yurii Petrov, Vasilii Zhakhovsky, Viktor Khokhlov, Kirill Migdal, Vadim Shepelev, Igor Milov
abstract : Invited
Topic 7: Ultra-intense laser-matter interaction
Interpretation of thermodynamic quantities in ab-initio non-equilibrium molecular dynamics
Vladimir Stegailov
abstract : Invited
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Measuring Plasma Parameters of Warm Dense Matter from X-Ray Thomson Scattering at the LCLS and the NIF
Bastian B. L. Witte, Mandy Bethkenhagen, Vanina Recoules, Philipp Sperling, Martin French, Tilo Döppner, Siegfried H. Glenzer, Ronald Redmer
abstract : Invited
Topic 5: Kinetics, transport and optical properties
Probing C-H mixtures at conditions relevant to the interiors of giant planets and Brown Dwarfs
Dominik Kraus
abstract : Invited
Topic 3: Diagnostics of non-ideal plasmas (using x-ray scattering, line shapes, stopping power, emission and absorption, etc.)
Radar studies of ionospheric dust - plasma phenomena
Ingrid Mann
abstract : Invited
Topic 8: Dusty plasmas
Recent results in dense astrophysical plasmas
Gilles Chabrier
abstract : Invited
Topic 6: Dense astrophysical and ICF plasmas
The Uniform Electron Gas at Warm Dense Matter Conditions
Simon Groth, Tobias Dornheim, Michael Bonitz
abstract : Invited
Topic 1: Statistical physics and ab-initio simulations
Warm Dense Matter studies relevant for planetary science
alessandra ravasio, marco guarguaglini, Jean-Alexis Hernandez, Tommaso Vinci, alessandra benuzzi-mounaix, Riccardo Bolis, Erik Brambrink, Michel Koenig
abstract : Invited
Topic 2: Production of non-ideal plasmas (using optical lasers, free electron lasers, heavy-ion beams, Z machine, high explosives etc.)
Online user: 2