Quantum fluid description of non-ideal dense plasmas
Zhandos Moldabekov  1, 2, 3, *@  , Michael Bonitz  1  , Tlekkabul Ramazanov  4@  
1 : Institut für Theoretische Physik & Astrophysik, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel  (ITAP, Uni Kiel)
Leibnizstr. 15, 24098 Kiel, Germany -  Germany
2 : Al Farabi Kazakh National University, Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics.  (IETP, Al Farabi KazNU)
71, Al-Farabi av., , Almaty, 050040, Republic of Kazakhstan. -  Kazakhstan
3 : Institute of Applied Sciences and IT, Almaty, Kazakhstan  (IAS&IT)
4 : IETP, Al-Farabi KazNU  (IETP)
050040, Almaty, 71 Al-Farabi ave. -  Kazakhstan
* : Corresponding author

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